On the road

Gypsy Rose D. stripping bare my HORSE DRAWN CARAVAN..Being settled in houses for the last 8 years has been a trail of endurance, as life can be. But the city, the noise of electricity and the sound of a hundred unrelated souls snooring within a hundred feet, sooooooo to make another romantic dream and build a tent on wheels, to cliperty clop into the sunset.First I must strip the unders down to re new all the old worn out parts.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thats a lot of his and herstory.

I feel a bit like I'm stuck in a loop of watching paint dry, I decided to warm things up, and burn it
From a distance it looks ok, but to be honest, them lock needs stripping down and the wood would love some oil, and some fresh new paint to define those sharp lines. There must be seven or more layers of paint. That's a lot of history.