On the road

Gypsy Rose D. stripping bare my HORSE DRAWN CARAVAN..Being settled in houses for the last 8 years has been a trail of endurance, as life can be. But the city, the noise of electricity and the sound of a hundred unrelated souls snooring within a hundred feet, sooooooo to make another romantic dream and build a tent on wheels, to cliperty clop into the sunset.First I must strip the unders down to re new all the old worn out parts.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Finally at last I got the back wheels. A whole round of fellies and quite a few spokes.
So I was at it all day, replacing 2 sticks in the lock; drilling sawing, and a few shamphers.
They do make things decorative, but it was also saves weight.

Monday, March 26, 2007


The back wheels are mended and ready to be collected for the last few weeks. Can't quite keep the money together to go and get them.
What am I going to do tho now since 2004 it is illegal to camp on public land. Keep the horse in the shafts and let it graze. Don't know that |I'd get any sleep though.